Deneme Pex

Deneme Pex
Deneme Pex
Deneme Pex

A Leading Brand in
Thermoplastic Piping

Resistant to freeze-cracking, VESBO PEX pipes are manufactured from cross-linked polyethylene with advanced polymeric structure which makes them the best solution for a wide range of liquid transportation.

Deneme Pex

Never lets you down!

High temperatures do not affect its superior performance while it is not harmed by chemicals and disinfectants. Best choice for potable water with increased chlorination.

Deneme Pex

For detailed information please check the links below !

Product List Brochure Product Data Sheet Certificates

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Our local experts are happy to help you to find the right material for your pipes.
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A Leading Brand in
Thermoplastic Piping

Resistant to freeze-cracking, VESBO PEX pipes are manufactured from cross-linked polyethylene with advanced polymeric structure which makes them the best solution for a wide range of liquid transportation.