Name / Sirname :
Phone :

1) Are the orders delivered on time?

Unsatisfactory (1)         Partially satisfactory (2)         Satisfactory (3)        Very satisfactory (4)        

2) Do you receive the orders completely?

Unsatisfactory (1)         Partially satisfactory (2)         Satisfactory (3)        Very satisfactory (4)        

3) Can you reach the authorized persons in the company whenever you want?

Unsatisfactory (1)         Partially satisfactory (2)         Satisfactory (3)        Very satisfactory (4)        

4) Are you satisfied with the behavior of the people you meet with you?

Unsatisfactory (1)         Partially satisfactory (2)         Satisfactory (3)        Very satisfactory (4)        

5) Do you find our website sufficient?

Unsatisfactory (1)         Partially satisfactory (2)         Satisfactory (3)        Very satisfactory (4)        

6) Do you find Vesbo's efforts to promote products and companies sufficient?

Unsatisfactory (1)         Partially satisfactory (2)         Satisfactory (3)        Very satisfactory (4)        

7) Are you satisfied with the variety of commercial materials?

Unsatisfactory (1)         Partially satisfactory (2)         Satisfactory (3)        Very satisfactory (4)        

8) Are you satisfied with the quality of commercial materials?

Unsatisfactory (1)         Partially satisfactory (2)         Satisfactory (3)        Very satisfactory (4)        

9) Are your complaints answered in a timely manner?

Unsatisfactory (1)         Partially satisfactory (2)         Satisfactory (3)        Very satisfactory (4)        

10) Do the responses to the complaint satisfy you?

Unsatisfactory (1)         Partially satisfactory (2)         Satisfactory (3)        Very satisfactory (4)        

11) Are you satisfied with Vesbo products are presented to you (packaging, label, loading)?

Unsatisfactory (1)         Partially satisfactory (2)         Satisfactory (3)        Very satisfactory (4)        

12) Can you evaluate the product and service quality offered by Vesbo to you in general?

Unsatisfactory (1)         Partially satisfactory (2)         Satisfactory (3)        Very satisfactory (4)        

13) Do you find the operational and technical information given to you sufficient?

Unsatisfactory (1)        Partially satisfactory (2)         Satisfactory (3)        Very satisfactory (4)        

Your comments and suggestions: