P. 2
to be installed should be taken into consideration when connecting pipes installation. A support clamp should be placed right under the fastening
and fittings. In addition, extra measures should be taken to avoid external clamp.
forces on connection points. During installation, it is advisable not to insert
connection points into one another completely, but to leave a 10mm For pipe weights to be carried easily and to avoid slipping at the connection
allowance for pipes to expand under heat. points, pipe Support clamps should be used at intervals of 2m for system
Installation Clamp intervals recommended for vertical and horizontal installations of
VESBO INCOLA Inferno pipes are listed in the table below.
Connection of pipe and fittings
Pipe External Vertical Lines Max. Horizontal Lines Max.
VESBO INCOLA Inferno pipes and fittings have belled ends equipped with Diameter (mm) Support Clamp Interval Support Clamp Interval
elastomeric gaskets. Applying lubricants on the gaskets will ease the OD (mm) 10 x Pipe External
Diameter (mm)
jointing. Push-fit system provides easy installations even in difficult spaces. 50 2000 500
It is strictly not advisable to remove the gaskets during jointing. 75 2000 750
110 2000 1100
125 2000 1250
Dry, unclean or cracked gaskets should not be used in an installation and 160 2000 1600
should be replaced with new ones.
For connections between floors, short (500mm) VESBO INCOLA Inferno
It is important to ensure that the ends of pipes and fittings are entirely safe pipes should be used. In addition, it is recommended to wrap the pipes
and clean from dirt and oil before an installation. inside concrete with a noise absorbing, foam-like insulation material.
VESBO pipes and fittings are designed to perform best as an integral Connections Between Vertical and Horizontal Lines
system and should not be mixed with pipes and fittings of other brands in
an installation. The amount of sound generated mostly depends on the length of the pipe.
For connections between vertical and horizontal lines, it is recommended
Cutting the Pipes to use two VESBO INCOLA Inferno 45° Elbows instead of a single 87°
Elbow. A 25cm long VESBO INCOLA Inferno pipe should be placed in
VESBO INCOLA Inferno pipes may be cut by using a rotary pipe cutter or
a sharp saw that has a thin cutter head. Cracks or breaks on the cut piece between the two 45° Elbows.
must be carefully checked. Avoid pressing on the pipe while cutting to
prevent it from getting deformed. Installation at Horizontal Lines
VESBO INCOLA Inferno pipes should be cut at a 90° angle to the pipe axis. It is not necessary to use the double clamping system on horizontal lines.
After cutting, burrs on the edges should be cleaned off. For ease of To fix pipes to the walls, it is recommended to use only pipe support clamps
installation and to avoid slipping of the gasket, chamfering to pipe edges right after the belled-end parts next to the joints with intervals of 10xOD (10
(approximately15°) is recommended. times the external diameter of the pipe).
Installation of Pipes Inside Concrete
Installation in Vertical Lines
Lines in kitchens and bathrooms can be concealed in concrete. We
The right clamps play a crucial role in sound proofing. In vertical lines it is recommend to wrap the lines with insulating materials in order to avoid their
recommended to use specially designed and patented VESBO Acoustic direct contact to concrete.
Clamp System together with VESBO INCOLA Inferno pipes and fittings for
the best sound insulation results. VESBO Acoustic Clamp System consists Make sure that the lines are properly aligned and the joints will not be
of a double clamping system comprising a fastening clamp and a support disrupted while plastering.
clamp. Specially designed air channeled rubber gasket on the fastening
clamp prevents the sound from reaching the wall because of its vibration Keep the installation area clean, do not leave any sharp objects that may
absorbing layer by using the support clamps, pipes are fixed onto the damage the pipes and fittings.
installation wall. It is advisable to use a single VESBO Acoustic Clamp
System for each floor for sound safety.
A fastening clamp should be placed right under the connection point
surrounding a pipe, and it should be locked and fixed to the pipe in a vertical